Tag: art

  • Baby Steps

    So … I’ve been posting these for two months now … and I’m still not sure how to explain why.Because I want to and because they feel right apparently isn’t enough. What are they?– abstract drawings– asemic calligrams– esoteric amulets– surrealist automatism– a journal And what are they for?– icons of contemplation – like taking…

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  • Back in the Saddle

    One of the good things about getting back in the saddle is remembering that I was a contender – scrolling back through my Instagram posts I’m looking at angry, committed, righteous images that are actually pretty good sometimes. But what was it I was good at? I’m not sure it was Art. Surely Art doesn’t…

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  • Thinking again

    … at last. It’s easy to forget that artists make things, art things, constructed from materials of their choosing, using craft skills they have learned and honed, according to rules they choose, assessed and judged by wise and stupid, cruel and thoughtful critics in their heads – they perform rituals to transubstantiate base stuff into…

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  • Dreaming in colour

    Dreaming in colour

    Immediately after waking, in a weird hypnopompic haze, I still had a clear image in my mind – I’d been flying through a glittering forest of lights above a city at night – it felt like an organic, pulsating version of William Gibson’s cyberspace – I translated as much as I could into words just…

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  • Scavenging


    So – like a vengeful god I swept away my creation in an obliterating wave – but I did save all of the images I’d uploaded over the last 9 years – I’m not a complete moron.

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